Monday 18 February 2013

Task 2. a) Application of research

Task 2. Application of research

a) I this task I will write:

  1. about my business idea the name of my business, I will check online to make sure I'm not infringing on another business copyright. 
  2.  a colour storyboard-a plan showing what I would like my site to look like. This will be based on my research from Task 1. 
  3. a written checklist-all the design features I'd like. This is to double check the storyboard.

Business name

  • My business idea-Beauty salon. I will call it simply Dovile's beauty salon. I checked online that this name of company is not taken.


  • Logo in a top left corner
  • Colours - golden, orange, grey, white and black
  • Fonts -  Lucida Calligraphy , Harlow Solid Italic   and  Georgia   
  • I will use slide show gallery of beauty salon interior
  • Small amount of text, information extends in new window and in drop down boxes
  • Search bar
  • Drop down menus
  • Social network buttons
  • Purpose - to inform
Home page

Drop Down boxes:

Price list

Contact us

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