Tuesday 19 March 2013

Sources of advice when starting business

Sources of advice when starting business


·         Family

  1. Free and reliable advices.
  2. Family usually wants the best for you.
  3. Bad point is that they rely on their own experience and opinion that may not be accurate.
  4. I would ask my family advice as some of them have their own successful business.

·         B.I.S.

  1. There are policies about different UK business industries and markets, their improvements and government’s plans about them.
  2. B.I.S. provides economical and statistical analysis, research reports, customer’s surveys and forecasts. They are very important to know before doing a business. It helps to predict your business’s future and find out your potential customer’s needs.
  3. I would use B.I.S. myself. They have a website that provides very useful and important information for business and you can read it anytime and anywhere.

·         Foreign & Commonwealth Office

  1. Information for British and EU citizens who want to or already have business abroad and for foreign people who want to or already have business in the UK.
  2. They provide information about climate change at home and abroad, national security, British interests in the EU, economic development.
  3. I their website you can find news, surveys, statistics, reports for British people abroad, foreign people and other countries.
  4. They can also give advices about travelling abroad, passports, British Embassies, legalization.  

·         C.A.B

  1. They provide free information about discrimination, rights, health and safety at work, taxes – issues that are very important for business.
  2. They offer advice by phone, online or from over 3500 locations in the UK.

·         Accountant

  1. Helps to understand and deal with financial issues and risks e.g. financial forecasting, budget planning, salaries for employees and etc.  
  2. Managing finances is very important for business. Having accountant is good for people who don’t know how to manage their financial issues, it saves time.

·         Solicitor/Lawyer

  1. Can help to understand legal issues that are important for business.
  2. Employment rights, discrimination law, licensing, contracts of employment, customer rights and etc.


·         Local Authority

  1. Help on specific issues for running business.
  2. Business rates are collected and planning permissions are issued by local councils.

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