Tuesday 14 May 2013

Extension task 5.

Website’s construction features

I will now compare the construction features of three different websites – Sainsbury’s, Barnardo’s and TFL.

The use of images

In all three websites are lots of images, slightly more than in others are in Sainsbury’s website. In Barnardo’s and in Sainsburys websites images show products they sell and services they provide. In Barnardo’s website images just illustrate the main idea of their organization – helping children. Sainsbury’s has a slideshow gallery in their main page which shows images illustrating their special offers and deals.

The use of text

In all three websites there’s small amount of text, only important information written and most of it extends in new windows. In TFL and Barnardo’s websites is availability to choose text size, which is good for visually impaired users. TFL website differs from other two because some browsers allow changing the default font and background colours for this website. Also, information in this website is available in other language which is good for foreign people.

The most of information in all websites is written with Arial and Sans-Serif fonts.

In all three websites logos are in top left corners.

Colours used in all three websites are contrasting and easy to read.


All three websites have search bars and sitemaps to navigate. Sainsbury’s has drop down menus and TFL has navigation bars.


All three websites have two purposes– to sell and to inform. Sainsbury’s and TFL inform about their companies’ rules, recruitment, their commitments and future aims, business strategy and objectives, history and etc. Barnardos also provide information about who do they work, want to help, donate money for; their campaigns and fundraising events. In Sainsbury’s and TFL websites customers can order services and buy products online using debit or credit card. In Barnardos website customers can do similar thing – using credit or debit card make regular or single donations.

How these features help Barnardos website to achieve their aims and objectives

Barnardos mission statementBarnardos' mission is to challenge and support families, communities, society and government, to make UK the best place in the world for children, focusing specifically on young people whose well-being is under threat.”

Aims and objectives -to challenge and support families, communities, society and government.

“...to make UK the best place in the world for children…”- In Barnardo’s website image illustrate the main idea of their organization –helping children. Most of the images in their website are pictures of sad children. It creates impression that those children need help and it makes people donate more money that will be provided for children.

“…to challenge and support families, communities, society, government…” – Firstly, they support government by helping children with donations, the more donations they receive the less money government has to spend on helping children.

Having a nice looking website, with good use of pictures and text help them to make more donations. Navigation features is very important as well. It helps people to navigate to the page where can they make a donation easily, it increases possibility to have more donations.


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