Thursday 30 May 2013

Unit 11 M4/D2

Unit 11 M4/D2

a)      I will now link and analyse the value of monitoring and evaluating to the improvements that organisations might make to customer service.

It is very important for all businesses to constantly monitor and evaluate their customer service. Doing this can help to make significant improvements to customer service which can lead to very big success of a company.

Customer service is important for all companies. Good or bad customer service can directly affect company’s profits and sales. Monitoring and evaluating customer can help to understand weaknesses of company’s customer service and after understanding those weaknesses it is easier to make improvements. It is necessary to make improvements for customer service and understand your customer needs. If you don’t you’re automatically losing customers and profits.

Monitoring and evaluating customer service leads to Improvements to customer service, which leads to:

b)      I will now explain and analyse how an organisation can make improvements to customer service for customers.

Monitoring and evaluating customer service can help to make improvements to customer service for external customers. It is important to do that because all the profits and success of a company has a very big dependence on quality of customer service.  Very important thing to do is to monitor your customer service regularly, so when level sales is going down you can make a decision what to change easier. If quality of customer service is bad, number of external customers is getting lower so automatically level of sales and profits are getting lower as well. Bad quality service can affect more different aspects but it usually leads to failure of a company.

Organisation can make improvements to customer service for customers by improving their:

·         Quality of services – it can be done by improving materials used for products that are used in a service. It can also be done by improving customer service for employees, improving staff training. If your employees will be happier about their job and will gain more skills they will be able to provide higher quality services for external customers.

·         Quality of materials used for products – it has a big dependence on quality of products. People can usually see when product is made from cheap material and no one likes buying something that is low quality or will break in few days. Package of a product should also look good, as first impression is very important when deciding to buy a product or not.

·         Quality of products – it has a very big impact on the image of a company. Good quality of products also shows your companies reliability.

·         Delivery times- delivering time should be as specified or even faster. If people are not receiving their product when they were promised to, there’s very high possibility that they won’t order from you again and inform others not to do that as well.  Improving delivery times means more happy customers. It’ll also help to gain more new customers and regular customers.

·         Reliability- it is very important that your customers trust your services or products. If they like the way they are treated in your company or they like a product they bought from you they are more likely to firstly, become your regular customers and secondly,  to spread a good word about which will attract more new customers and increase your company’s reputation.

·         Premises – redecorating premises or relocating into new, bigger premises.  People are more likely to come into spacious and nice looking shop or office, it is more attractive than small and old looking premises. Changes are always attractive for customers.

c)       I will now explain how an organisation can make improvements to customer service for employees.

Staff is very important for all companies and their performance is directly related with sales and profits.

It is very important that staff feels values and respected for what they’re doing.  If people are not happy about their job they will not be motivated to work hard, make as much sales as possible and etc.  If staff is looked after they are more likely to feel better about their job and work harder, do their job with bigger responsibility which leads to increase of sales and bigger profits.   

Organization can improve customer service for employees by using the business management theory of Frederick Herzberg

Frederick Herzberg felt that employee job satisfaction could be achieved if they have:

·         Interesting work – if people don’t find their job interesting or they’re bored doing it they usually don’t have any motivation to do it good. There should be something interesting about every job and you should help your employees to see that.

·         Responsibility – responsibilities can make your employees feel more appreciated for what they’re doing.  It can help them feel trusted by their managers and it gives motivation to do a good job and maybe gain more trust and more responsibilities.

·         Praise for doing a good job and a personal sense of achievement – it makes employees feel appreciated by other people and by themselves, it gives motivation to progress in their jobs.

·         The ability to acquire new skills- employees will be happier knowing that they’re able to progress in their career, gain more skills and learn something new. It gives motivation for them to do their work productively.

·         Opportunities for advancement e.g. training and promotion – knowing that you’ll be able to get training or promotion for to doing a good job, gives motivation to do it. It makes employees feel appreciated.

An organization can also make improvements to customer service for employees by improving the employees working environment.

d)      I will now explain how an organisation can make improvements to customer service to benefit the business.

Organisation can make improvements to customer service to benefit the business by:

·         More investments into staff training / New and improved methods of training – staff can gain new skills and they’ll be able to do more tasks. It means that and won’t need to hire other employees, will be able to improve quality of services and range of services. It is cheaper to train your staff than hire new people.

·         Improving quality of services – improved quality of services means more customers and more customers means higher level of sales. Improving can be done by improving materials used for products that are used in a service, or by improving customer service for employees, staff training. If your employees will be happier about their job and will gain more skills they will be able to provide higher quality services for external customers.

·         Improving quality of products - it has a very big impact on the image of a company. Good quality of products also shows your companies reliability. If people trust your company they’re more likely to buy from you.

·         Improving or redecorating premises - redecorating premises or relocating into new, bigger premises.  People are more likely to come into spacious and nice looking shop or office, it is more attractive than small and old looking premises. It means that you’ll possible get more customers and more customers means higher level of sales.

Monitoring and evaluating customer service is very important for all organisations. It can help to make improvements for customer service for external and internal customers and for the organization and making improvements is necessary to reach a success in a business.

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