Sunday 30 June 2013

Unit 10 D2 - preparation, skills and processes used in different situations

Unit 10 D2


I will now evaluate the preparation, skills and processes used in different situations. I will write a report where I’ll critically evaluate how I demonstrated confident use of personal selling skills during my role-plays.  I’ll explain what went well or badly and why, what could be done next time and what I did as sale staff to demonstrate confidence when making personal sales.

My first role play was “appointment booking by phone”. My business was beauty salon. I received incoming call from a customer who wanted to book an appointment for manicure and pedicure.
First of all I introduced myself and asked if I can help with anything. It is important to be helpful with customers. Then customer told me that she wanted to book an appointment at 8 am, but our salon opens at 9 am.  I suggested booking her at 9 am, the earliest time possible and she was fine with that. Then I asked her telephone number and name, and asked if she know our address, again, I was being helpful. She didn’t know the address so I gave it to her and at the end of conversation I asked one more time if there’s anything else I could help with, I was trying to be polite and helpful. 

My second role play was “persuading to make loyalty card when customer comes in for a treatment”.
Customer came into my salon, I asked her how is she, then asked her to take a seat and offered some tea or coffee. Even if most customers don’t want tea or coffee I was just being nice and helpful. Then I asked her how could I help her with today and she told me that she came in for a massage but she couldn’t decide which one to do – reflexology or aromatherapy. I explained her features and benefits of both massages and then asked which one she thought would be better for her that day. It was important for me to have a good knowledge about my products so I was able to inform the customer and help to decide. The customer told that she wanted reflexology massage that day but she would also love to try another one. I told her then that TODAY we have special offer for loyalty card holders – buy one massage and get second one for half price. I convinced her to make a loyalty card and probably become our regular customer. At the same time it was cross-selling process – I offered her related product with the one she chose before. It was important for me to understand what customer wants – she wanted both massages, but the reason she didn’t buy them both today probably was that she didn’t have enough money or time, so I suggested her half priced massage on her chosen date and time, but if she want to get she has to buy it TODAY with loyalty card. She was convinced and bought the loyalty card.

The third role play was “customer coming in to repair a nail”.
Customer came into my beauty salon without any appointment. She told that it was an emergency, she made nail extensions in our beauty salon just few days ago and one nail already broke and she had business meeting in one hour. I asked her how did it happen, she explained that she was washing dishes, but she was very careful so I understood that she was trying to blame me for that. So I told her that our nail extensions are made by highest quality materials and our staffs are very well trained professionals. Just to neutralize the situation I told her that accidents always happen and no one could do anything about that. I didn’t want to lose my regular customer and I also didn’t want her to spread bad rumors about our salon so I suggested her free repair this time and 50% off new nail extensions. I kept the client, I made sure that she would still come to our beauty salon next time and I also calmed her down and made her happier – she didn’t need to pay anything for this broken nail, she felt like we actually took the responsibility for what happened. I would say that it was good customer service and the ideal way to deal with this situation. It’s very important to gain the trust back, so for next time it’s necessary to make very good and highest quality nail extensions, so customer would be fully satisfied. 

The most important things about all three situations were good customer service, polite manners and understanding customer needs. Customers should always be treated with respect, they experience with you should be as good as possible so they’ll want to come back again.

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