Sunday 9 June 2013

Unit 11 M1

Unit 11 M1


I will now explain how different customers’ needs and expectations can differ, using food, clothes and mobile phones or computers shops as examples. 

There could be many different customers and their needs and expectations can also differ. Needs and expectations can differ depending upon the situation customers are in, their personal views.  It is important for all organisations to understand their customers’ needs and expectations, so it would be easier to understand what to offer for customers and what to do to increase sales.

Food shop

Probably most of the customers of food store would expect to find good quality food and their main need is food. Some customers are not concerned about prices and they want the best quality possible, but there are not much of those customers. Other people are looking for cheapest as possible products and they don’t mind if quality is bad. 

Most of the people in food stores expect to find simple food for every day food – milk, bread, cheese, meat and etc.  Some people may be looking for variety and quality products to choose from and others would just buy anything that’s not over their budget.

Clothes shop

People going to clothes shop have main need – to buy clothes. Similar is in a food shops, some people may be looking for good quality products for high prices and quality would be more important for them than quantity. Other people would look for cheap products and they would rather buy 10 t-shirts for £5 than 1 t-shirt that costs £50. 

There are different people with different tastes. There would be people who are looking for fashionable and trendy clothes; other people would be looking for casual and comfortable clothes for everyday wearing. Some people may expect to find accessories, shoes or underwear in clothes store, so they could quickly grab something in one go.

 Clothes stores should also be aware about different builds of people. These days there are many people who would be looking for plus size clothes, but probably most of the people would fit into average size clothes.

Mobile phones or computers shop

People going to computer or phone shop have one need – to buy phone or computer. Different types of people expect to find different things in those shops. Business men or women would be looking for computer or phone with internet, email function, maybe Microsoft office as well. If they are buying phone on contract they would probably expect to get some calls, internet or texts for free. If they are buying computer on contract they would probably also expect to get something for free – it could be free antivirus or laptop case. There would be people that are looking for high quality, newest phone or computer with good graphics and features. Others would buy simple computer or phone with main functions for lowest price as possible.

Teenage people would probably look for newest, good looking and most popular phone or computer. They would probably look for phone with email, text, internet and many different functions. Some of them would look for high quality product; others would choose the cheapest option possible. Teenager may also expect to get some texts for free if they're buying phone on contract, as these days texting is very popular amon young people.

Different customers have different needs and expectations. Some people are looking for quality, variety to choose from, others are looking for quantity and low price, as well as some people are looking for newest and trendy products and others are looking for simple and casual products.

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