Sunday 9 June 2013

Unit 11 P6

Unit 11 P6

I will now outline how improvements to the customer service in the Westminster Consultant organisation could be made. 

Westminster Consultants is a quantity surveying practice specialising solely in project monitoring for property lending banks.

Get customer’s feedback

It’s very important for all organisations to got customer’s feedback. It helps to understand what company’s doing right and what wrong, and knowing weaknesses can help to make improvements. 

There are different ways to get customer’s feedback – it can be compliments or complaints, online surveys or shop surveys. Complaint letters are letters written by customers to express negative opinion about business. You should analyse those letters and try to improve things that people are complaining the most about. Survey is very good way to get feedback as well. You could make survey online, so people won’t have to face person face to face and answers will probably be more honest.

Improvements to the customer service to employees

Having satisfied and productive staff is a key to success for all businesses. If staff is not motivated to do good job they probably won’t be productive and it’ll have direct affect to sales and profits.
In Westminster Consultants organisation’s staff should be motivated, and it can be done by: financial rewards, trainings and promotions, positive feedback from managers.

Social media

Having a social media account can be very useful for customer service improvement for organisation advertising as well. Many people who have internet connection and computer use social media sites as twitter and facebook. Having page in these sites is for free, and it’s very popular these days. People can read about your company, comment on your posts and be your followers. Customers will be happy that they can express their opinion about your company in comfortable way for them.

Website improvement

Website should be attractive for visitors. If it’s not, they are not likely to stay there for more than few minutes. If website is good looking, font is easy to read and information is interesting, customers will be happy visiting your webpage and it’ll also improve your company’s image. 

I think that Westminster Consultants webpage need those improvements: bigger font – will be easier to read; more images – will look more interesting and will help to understand what your business is about; more colours or different colour scheme.

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